This is another one of our family day trips to London with no plan... on a Sunday in the lead up to Christmas! And another vlogmas video... I have no idea if I can keep this up beyond 4 days. We take you along with us to London's South Bank, Royal Festival Hall, the Microsoft Store Gamers Lounge, John Lewis, the Christmas Lights in Oxford Street, Regent Street and Carnaby Street, some buses, Muji and Wagamama. What a Day Trip!
Come see London's Christmas Lights in 50x 10 sec clips! Vlogmas!
Hello, welcome back to the channel
it's vlogmas which means I'm still trying to get one video out every day don't think I'm gonna do it but anyway this is the Dad Delivers Vlog where I try to make
your family happy today we're here in uh London's London and
I'm not a big fan of family Vlogs you know where they have like really saccharine music and the family all looking happy so I'm gonna do something different with this one to make it easier on you I'm just gonna share five seconds of as many things as possible um we'll bolt that together with some with
some nice and innocuous music bed [Music]
So the trick with a day trip to London with the kids is to get some food in them as quickly as possible [Music] so we're starting the... the trip with some steak and chips
we can go into the South Bank Centre for toilets now
Okay I have changed it slightly we're going to share our day with 50 10 second
Clips so it's the 10 second clips now
We’re now in trafalgar square.
Hey Joe, there’s this really funny clip where the blue Peter presenter drops the star from the top of the Christmas tree in Trafalgar Square we'll have to watch that when we get home
Let’s get this one - guys it’s this one!
hi thanks
I've just leaned on something and I got it on my jacket but it's a good job but um it could be worse.
getting off here in Regent street [Music]
this is Regent Street we get off here the Christmas lights aren't on yet so we're gonna go here first
the Microsoft store to the gaming Lounge
so I think we are minutes away from the lights going on in Oxford Street and Regent Street
so we're gonna go over there to John Lewis
It’s like 3:35, we’ve got about 20 minutes
left - the lights have come on!
But I’m going to look at those properly in a minute because we’re gonna go to Muji now before they close.
I’m gonna look at me some expensive Japanese clothing it's another photo opportunity
this might have to be a time lapse
just in there here we go
okay so we're not enjoying this so much because it's a bit too crowded uh too many people doing vlogmas videos oh that’s a bit too much so we’ve got to now persuade mum and daughter
to go to Chinatown
downtown to Chinatown
but I don't think they're going to go for it do you downtown Chinatown
no they won't
me and the boy have now come over to here which is Computer Exchange in Rathbone place
So we’re in wagamama now for the edamame
but I'm not sure we got up to uh 50 10 second
videos there but I hope you could live vicariously
with us 10 seconds at a time
I'll leave you with these lovely Christmas
lights and traffic noises of regent street
[Music and noise]
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