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Am I deaf?! That's a question I'm asked a lot by my family. Is it inattention? Is it me not caring? Or is it my delicious ADHD? It could be any or all of these! But I'm taking a free online hearing test to narrow things down. If I pass, my deafness has no excuses. Huh? What? No I completely heard what you just said. In low frequency and high frequency. I just choose not to tell you what you just said.
Deaf or Distracted? FREE Online Hearing Test!
Hello, welcome back to the channel. I'm Neil. This is the Dad Delivers Vlog, where I try new things every day to make your family happy. And today, I'm gonna find out: am I deaf? It's something that my brilliant and very patient wife has to put up with a lot, but I don't know if it's a problem with my ears or if it's just another part of the whole ADHD dad thing. I'm pretty sure it's the ADHD dad thing, and I'm gonna make a video about me taking an ADHD test online. But, first, I'm going to do the deafness test first. So, this is a free online test, and I just saw it pop up online and thought, "Well, I might as well give it a go." I know nothing about it, so you're going to follow along. You can play along with me, and why not put your results down in the comments below? It'd be great to see how we all compare.
So, this is the RNID, which I believe is the deaf charity here in the UK, and they've got this thing online. I'll put a link to it down in the description. And I guess I'll just press the "Check Your Hearing Test." Whoa, okay, it's getting personal, but let's put in our name and address and email. So, we've got some nice, friendly icons here. "How it works?" So, I've got to find a quiet place. We've got the missus doing vital gardening work in the background. You can probably hear. We've got a plane flying over, but I think this is pretty much as quiet as it's going to get. Wear headphones or earphones. Well, I'm checked out on that front, so I should be able to hear.
The digits: 069. The digits: 069. The laptop's set up. We're ready to go. Let's start. The check: the digits: three, five, two. Right, so I heard that. That's three, five, two. Next, the digits. I think it's about five or eight, nine. I'll go: oh, eight. The digits: nine, three, six. Eight, nine, five. I think... digits. Oh, no, is that one, six, one, or one, zero, one? Oh, I guess that's one, six, one. Oh, I'm not sure about that one. Didn't hear that, so... What happens if I press question mark? Oh, no, I don't question. What? Okay, I'll put eight, nine, one. Oh, this is gonna be fun to hear back in the edit. I think that's one, three, four.
Six, two, nine. It's... you know what? It's really hard to hear. I don't know if you can hear it on the edited video, but for me, it's... I'm having to really concentrate. Next number: I think that's four, eight, three. I'm really concentrating, though. Did you get digit 392?
Okay, we're halfway through. I don't know, 5, 40. That's a pure guess. Two, five, something. Try 252. Now, if this is an online guessing test, I think I'd be acing this right now. 200, definitely heard that. See, I can... I'm attuned to the word o.
Five, six, four. Do you know, if I'm not concentrating at the right point, it... it's curtains. If you can hear the cat next door, I can hear that. Does that count? I'll type in "cats." Hit me.
I think that was 929. Eight, something, nine. That's pure guess. I think that was four, one, six. Almost there. One more to go.
I think that's four, one, one. It wasn't, but I'll just put that in anyway. Put me out of my misery. Oh, that's good. Your result suggests you do not have hearing loss. I wish they'd tell me the number. The correct numbers, the ones I failed. Find out what you can do to help protect your hearing for the future. Okay, well, that's good. I'm kind of relieved.
So, it's as easy as that. I am calling this a Dad Delivers Success. Well, I guess I'm going to just have to do the ADHD test now, aren't I? It's apparently not hearing loss, so I can't use that as an excuse anymore, unfortunately. But how is this working out for you? Let me know down in the comments below. It'd be great to hear your experiences with this. And if you've reached this point of the video, thanks for hitting the thumbs up. And if you hit the Subscribe button, we'll take some more tests together to find out what else is wrong with us. And right here is what YouTube knows that you're gonna love watching next.
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