Saturday 16 April 2022

How to put up IKEA Hoppvals blind - review

How do you put up or take down IKEA Hoppvals blinds?
And why are they currently the biggest security risk in my garden office?
It's been 5 years since the Happy Hut went up! In this video, I share how the office went up and try to improve the safety of my garden pod by moving the Ikea blinds a bit closer to the window so you can't see inside..

My blinds are protection! Or... How to put up IKEA Hoppvals blind - review


hello welcome back to the happy hut and this video is about the happy hut because today I’m going to be putting up this! 
it's the IKEA Hoppvals retractable blind it's like a cellular blind 
I’m not actually putting it up 
I’ve already put them up in the hut - they're fantastic - all I’m doing is just moving them five centimetres closer to the window
never had one lesson! 
in reality I don't think this video is about the IKEA blind but I will show you how they work 
this video might be about the hut itself or even maybe the security that I have for the hut 
I’ve got a problem with the happy hut and it's this 
I’m not sure this footage does it justice 
you can see into the blind - the blinds kind of block out what's inside and just for security it just doesn't feel right that you can see through the cracks at the side 
I’m not sure that moving the blind from here to here a bit closer to the window is going to stop someone who wants to break in 
If someone wants to do badness to the hut, they're going to do it, aren't they?
I’m doing this course - this filmmaking course at ( 
it's the Casey Neistat filmmaking course 
you don't need to focus on your private life to tell a story with depth so as you're searching for this more premeditated idea for our next movie, know that ultimately you should choose a story that's compelling to you 
you're supposed to share something a bit more personal about yourself and I feel a bit awkward about that because this hut is incredibly personal to me 
even though I’ve shared it with hundreds of thousands of views on YouTube and this is I think this is why I love the place 
you and I get to experience this through videos like this 
there's a difference between sharing the hut publicly and feeling like someone might come here and do something bad to it or break into it 
the first thing I realised was that this hut is literally five years old - almost to the day when this hut was put up in the garden 
I’ve got some shots of it here 
it took a day for a team of men to put up that took six months after we actually saw the thing 
here's our visit to I think it was the grand designs conference or exhibition 
there were huts there, but this one kind of leapt out 
this is a hut that doesn't look right 
the windows just look all wrong 
there's just something about the feng shui - the shape of it 
I don't know what it is 
these huts didn't look good but this hut looked amazing 
and here it is in... in... in real life! 
it's actually a... it's a barbecue hut from Finland and actually if I tilt the camera up I can do this - can you see there's a... there's a chimney at the at the top there 
it's actually designed to do barbecuing in it but I didn't need it for a barbecue 
I just needed a space to do some work when we... when we moved here 
I was thinking I’d love to be on YouTube 
but how could I compete with Californian blondes reviewing Gopros beside their swimming pool dressed in a bikini?
I had this thought I think about two years and then I realized I’ve got a place as I’ve sat in there going “I’ve got nothing to show or share with YouTube” and I was literally sat right there when I was thinking it 
let's get these blinds moved and I’ll get rid of that gap and I’ll show you how it's looking at the moment 
let's go inside
so let the camera adjust 
this is how the hut looks today five years on 
I’ve got an IKEA standing desk that is adjustable look 
you can get the handle out and raise it 
I think I’ve raised it about twice and they were both to make videos 
I haven't really worked much standing up but I like the idea of it 
I’ve got my drill my special drill but... dusty... but let me show you the problem 
it's over here so I am going to move this hook all the way from here to over here and that will fix all of the security issues here in the happy hut
removing the IKEA Hoppvals blind is really easy 
you just push this button here 
it's like a catch and that releases it on this side and you can kind of twist it off 
so if I push the button there it just releases it like that 
oh it's a bit of dust there 
we've also got a few neighbours in here 
that is a huge spider just under that gap there 
wonder if he’ll come out 
I think that's his exoskeleton there
Uggh gotta get rid of this
I think I need just a proper screwdriver
Do you like these running shots? 
gives it a sense of urgency 
right here is my precious toolbox - angelic chord - there is the screwdriver back to the hut
so let's try the screwdriver on this really tough bit of wood 
this is just in as a pilot hole and now I’ve got something to drill into 
all I need to do now is to hook the Hoppvals onto the clips and then just push them up so they click 
there we go job done 
oh that's perfect 
and now I need to do exactly the same but on this side 
we're in a really special week at the moment 
this is the one week of the year where it's the end of the cold winter and it's just the start of the super hot summer so the temperature in here is just right 
I’ve got to do this today 
and now I can clip this one on
It works! it works 
so let's now see how much I can see down the side of these blinds from the outside 
I don't know if I can do this in daylight but I... I can see already whoa...
can't see a thing 
you cannot see a thing 
let's take a look on the other window 
oh that's fantastic 
you can't see my printer gobbling up ink 
I really appreciate you being here for me waffling on about this building 
I’ve had to do this to break the drought
I haven't put a video up on this channel for I think six months now and it feels good to finally get some stuff out of my head and to finally fix those blinds 
and obviously if you want to see what happens next 
there's a subscribe button and here's what YouTube thinks you should be watching next 
can you please help my daddy get 10000 subscribers 
just click on his face, thanks bye! 
right this is going to be the proper one right

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How to RETURN something to Amazon for a full refund! UK step by step

All about me, and getting these by email.

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