Tuesday 26 October 2021

Kicked off LEGOLAND® ride - Breakdown on Laser Blaster 2021

We got kicked off the Laser Blaster ride when it broke down... and... er that's it. No free ride, voucher, or even a drink. If it breaks down, can you please get off and walk over there please, thank you. 
The staff were very polite and excellent and kept us safe for which we are grateful.
This is obviously going to come off as entitled or privileged but... isn't this a chance for the Legoland® Windsor Resort procedure to delight a bunch of people who queued a long time? 
Or paid quite a bit of cash for the experience?
Look at our 100% hubris assuming we'd get something for this!

Kicked off LEGOLAND® ride - Breakdown on Laser Blaster 2021



okay so I’m going to open the video like this 
we didn't do this but the ride is broken
What happens next?!
I think I shot the the operator 
someone's got out got out and done something 
Someone's taken a dump in their car!
hey we should be able to be able to oh you can't shoot
this is actually quite a scary ride
do you think we lost all the points?
I had zero. 
I don't know
I had so many!
okay so there's a little bit of a problem with this ride
that's okay he stopped oh thank you glad it's not us 
we'll see if we can let's see if we can get another ride 
well this is pretty fun 
nice you get to sit down 
it's like the first rule of theme park is don't stand up
look what I’m gonna do I’m gonna put the camera down to see if I can get a better score while I’m not filming okay 
so it's just a tannoy announcement to say they've got to abandon the ride and shut it down 
do you think someone got hurt
I know we spent our time I know we spent our time 
but it's exciting we're in an emergency situation 
management are coming in ten minutes 
maybe management will let us go round twice yes management... oh here we go
oh yeah Legoland Windsor come on 
for the abandoned ride!
maybe - yeah - it's all going on over there
okay right aim take aim right now so I’m going to stop the camera now to get a good score and we'll see if we can get an extra ride
so it stopped again!
yeah I know we could have done it because the park closes in half an hour and the ride has stopped again
oh it's management - management's coming up here
and then follow me back this way wow so we're walking backwards through the ride here we go
just telling them that we're taking everyone out
wow so that was the laser-- I’ll give that an eight I think that was pretty good 
I give that uh I give that a 10. that was fun I’ve never...
where's us that's us oh no we've got zero 
we didn't even get a photo 
yeah not much of an apology there given we'd wait and waited to get for that one 
Legoland is that really how you treat people when you break the ride 
it's quite impressive just front it out 
get everyone off 
so that was laser raiders
can you please help my daddy get 1000 subscribers just click on his face thanks bye how was that

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