Saturday 23 October 2021

Double jabbed & still got The Rona? what happened next part 2...

Part 2 of my Self-Isolation vlog... Still can't taste or smell anything, which means I can eat ANYTHING... and still getting phone calls from Test and Trace...

Double jabbed & still got The Rona? what happened next part 2...




Raw onion?
yeah sure why not 
go on
Hello it's day six since the uh - let’s take this off
it's day six since the symptoms of the Rona came to visit me 
did the... the test this morning I don't know if you can see it there but the... 
the second line is really faint 
I mean it's barely coming through 
The self isolation is really really starting to hit 
I noticed - so I made a video - just bringing you up to speed - I tested positive for the Rona and I released this video here um where it shows everything 
where I lost my taste and smell and then took the family to a PCR test which was stupid because they were all negative 
there we are all in the car breathing in my air 
luckily they're all still negative and as you can see I took the test this morning and the second line is really really faded now 
you've got to really hold it up to the light to see that second line 
so this morning I’m feeling less delicate but I’m just feeling really uh fatigued and I’ve got a feeling that tiredness is... it's just from not moving 
it's from not being out and about because of the self-isolation 
so look I’ll put it on the screen now 
I’ve done 14 steps today 
these are the steps that my phone has measured and you can see right here on the Monday there I am like a good’un nearly hitting the 10k steps and then plummet 
absolutely nothing all week and that's got to take a toll 
I mean obviously I’m not a GP or a medical person in any sense but even I can see that even if you're super fit and healthy and have no symptoms of the Rona... 
if you're gonna just be indoors and not move for two weeks that's gonna take an incredible toll on your body and looking at these steps I have no idea how I’m doing 1300 steps a day by just moving between the bathroom and the bedroom 
I think it's just pacing up and down with the camera like this 
I’m also going around the house with a mask on and everywhere I go I’m [COUGH] excuse me 
I’m sanitizing... I’m wiping things down as I’m using them 
honestly it's like going around your house like a high-end burglar from a heist movie 
you know you're just constantly wiping all elements of your trace from your own home 
It’s not a good way to live 
and probably the... the hardest thing at the moment for anyone who's been through this you'll know this but the ah the... the taste and the smell 
I just miss the taste and the smell so much 
I was going to film myself eating a raw onion and maybe some of Casper’s dog food 
should we do it? 
should we do it? I’ll get my son to film it
how should I do this 
sorry about the noise in the background but my poor long-suffering wife is mowing the garden 
I think you should just chop it into quarters and then eat it like um oranges 
can you literally not taste a thing? 
I literally can't taste a thing 
well this is the test
I can't smell it 
oh that'd be really weird because you just can't taste anything 
I kind of rather not to taste anything because then I could like eat lots of healthy stuff can I? 
right well that's what I thought 
I could eat whatever I want 
this is gonna test whether it would work or not 
should I do it 
sure why not 
uh yeah sure why not 
yeah okay ready? 
go on
Right you can't taste that! 
it feels really tingly 
we need lights on in here because the quality is quite bad 
so I’ve just done that for nothing?! 
because my phone doesn't work well in the dark
this is wrong the taste is coming back! 
I can taste it! 
I can really taste it now! 
so did your covidjust stop the second you did that?
It’s brought back my taste!
What have you done?
You’re so stupid!
It’s brought back the taste of onion
Shall I eat dog food?
Sure, there’s some fresh stuff down there
he's probably put his mouth in that and he's got a littlecovid
he has! 
I’ll probably catch the dog... get dogCovid
So I can't taste it, but it doesn't feel good 
they feel like soggy biscuits 
that's because he's put... he’s licked it all 
You disgusting person! 
Oh look the dogs running over 
He wants some 
I’m sorry Casper I was eating... I was eating your dinner
He gets so mad if you did that 
right so here's what I’ve learned if you've lost your taste and smell eat raw onion because it will cut through 
do you think yourcovid just literally just stopped  now

instantly went away the second you eat an onion 
but theCovid just went No, I’m out of here you can get taste and smell back, we’re off!
I’m calling on behalf of the NHS Track and trace
Hiya I’m calling to talk about your self-isolation
how have you been feeling 
uh delicate and bit rough but good thanks 
oh good oh sorry not good but 
no it is! 
you're right it's fantastic 
I can walk around I can't taste anything still 
I just tasted a little bit 
I’m very grateful thank you 
and can I confirm you’re self-isolating 
I am 
because I’m just really interested and I’m extremely bored as well because I’m I’m indoors but do you phone people can you... and you can you tell if they're not self-isolating 
is it if you ever phone someone it's like really obvious that they're out somewhere?
yeah yeah of course but um because we could tell by like you can hear the cars it might be in the garden sometimes you see the radio on their car and like beeping like you can completely tell they’re in a car
yeah we just have to go from what you say to be honest because we haven't got a camera 
we can't really see where you are
yeah what would you because I’ve been asking this everyone who's phoned me 
what what would you do at one minute past midnight on your first day of freedom 
I’m looking for ideas
at midnight?
that's a good pub
Some open late don't they 
yeah well it's better than my idea 
I think it's gonna be a BP garage 
that's the only place that's open around here 
oh yeah there you go, bring a little speaker
thank you so much for your time today and thank you so much for self-isolating and I hope you have a lovely day 
oh you too thank you for the call appreciate your work 
it's okay thank you thank you bye 
didn't mean to hang up so abruptly there 
can you please help my daddy get 1000 subscribers 
just click on his face, thanks bye! how was that 

Previous post...
I tested positive! what happens next....

All about me, and getting these by email.

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