Thursday 4 March 2021

How I handle comments. EASY YouTube Creator Academy Course Quiz #4

I'm taking every YouTube Creator Academy course and taking the exam IN REAL TIME WITH YOU (almost) on here every week through 2021. 
This week it's the FOURTH course exam: "Use comments to connect with your community" and the link to the course is here:

How I handle comments. EASY YouTube Creator Academy Course Quiz #4

0:00 How I handle comments. EASY YouTube Creator Academy Course Quiz #4
1:35 Use comments to connect with your community: video here
1:48 Promote quality comments
2:03 Heart your favourite comments
2:30 How to pin comments to the top of the comments list under my YouTube video
3:05 Reply to comments
3:18 How to search comments on my YouTube video using new filters (in Studio Desktop): whether subscribed, by number of subscribers, or whether I've replied to them
3:45 How to handle hurtful, nasty or bad comments
4:04 How to remove a YouTube comment from my video
4:15 How to complain about a comment to YouTube
4:25 How to block a user from my YouTube channel
4:45 How to block comments across all of my YouTube videos
5:00 How to stop comments appearing on my YouTube channel until I approve them, and block all comments
5:10 I love Ali Abdaal and Mary Spender (even though I call her Helen), especially how they speak
6:18 How to stop or block words appearing in comments on my YouTube video
6:50 How to add a moderator or someone else to moderate comments on my YouTube videos
7:00 How to turn off all comments on my YouTube channel
7:45 What happens if you flag a comment?
8:39 What is the best way to handle comments that use words or phrases you don't want to see?
9:09 How can you positively engage your audience?


I'm gonna go for this one all of the above 
oh no! 
now this video is gonna be a really weird episode 
on the screen now is the countdown to a very short quiz that's gonna take place and it's already a lot of time so I don't know how this is going to work 
there's this thing called the YouTube Creator Academy 

I'll put it on screen here and it's where you can learn about every single aspect of YouTube and there are 41 courses 
here's what they look like 
at the end of each course is usually an exam so we do this as a game show and a quiz that you and I can play along with and answer the questions and see if we pass the course 

But what I didn't realize was that some of the courses don't have exams at the end 
it's just a course and maybe a few questions 
well there are a few questions on this one 
it's called use comments to connect with your community but there's no quiz on this one so what I'm going to do is I'm going to actually go through the course so that you and I can get up to speed with how to handle comments on our YouTube channel 

By the way hello I'm Neil Mossey, I'm a development producer helping high achieving creators and performers just like you - double five - to get ideas out of your head and out onto here on YouTube 
to make the world happier because we need we need your channel we need your stuff 
it's saturday night here in the Happy Hut
I've got my game show T-shirt my London Weekend Television T-shirt that usually came before every game show that I grew up with 

let's show you 
let's do it again some Harry Rabinowitz glockenspiel there 
so the first thing on the course is this video here 
there's a link in the description I'll link to it on screen now 
it's basically a video that explains everything in the course anyway so we'll skip straight to lesson two 

promote quality comments 
comments are a great place to get direct feedback from your viewers 
answer their questions and above all create a community and conversation around your videos 
here are some specific things that we can do to achieve that 

heart our favourite comments 
when you heart a comment viewers will see your channel icon with a small red heart and may receive a notification that you loved what they wrote I... I give out these as much as possible 
I'm just delighted at any comment that I get 
I've sometimes put them on some really horrible comments as well just to annoy the the commenter 
I'm not sure they're intended that way 

this is a quick and effective way to build fan loyalty and to show your appreciation to viewers 
pin comments to the top of your feed 
pinning lets us highlight what comments our fans see when watching our videos 
I don't know if I should do this as "you" or "we" 
I'm gonna do it as "we" because I'm not... I'm not YouTube 

we can either pin our own comment or a fan comment 
pinning our own comments is a great way to clarify something from our video 
ask your audience a specific question 
tease a specific moment or easter egg 
pin a fan comment that stood out to me to highlight them and to thank our viewers for watching 
this may seem obvious but replying to comments shows our audience that we're listening and interested in their feedback 
use replies to answer fan questions or thank them individually 
find comments using new filters 

this is what it looks like 
it's a new tool to help us manage our comments by allowing us to search for specific keywords and filter by subscriber status, channel member status, the number of subscribers that the commenter has, comments that contain questions so that we can respond more easily and our response status to only see comments that we have or haven't responded to 

lesson three handle hurtful or inappropriate comments 
as we probably know, not all comments are positive or appropriate 
YouTube recognizes how incredibly important it is for us to keep our community positive and safe and for us to maintain our own well-being 
here are actions that we can take at the comment level 

we can remove the comments and all of its replies 
do this by clicking the three dots next to the comment and selecting remove 
we can also do this from within YouTube studio in the comments tab 
flag the comments to YouTube 
if the comment violates YouTube's community guidelines, it will be removed 
hide the user 
doing this blocks a specific user from posting comments on any of our videos 
we can block a user from commenting directly from their inappropriate comments or in the community tab in our channel settings 
users are not alerted when we block them 

I love this 
they carry on leaving horrible comments completely unaware that none of them are showing up which which I love 
Here are actions that we can take at the channel level 
from our YouTube settings go to the community tab then defaults 
from here we can choose to allow all comments, hold potentially inappropriate comments for review, hold all comments for review, disable comments 
if we hold any comments for review they will not appear publicly until we've reviewed them 

so this has got nothing to do with comments but I absolutely love two channels 
there's ali abdaal and MARY spender and they're British 
obviously their channels are excellent but I love the way they speak and they speak so clearly and articulate so clearly in a way that I don't think that I have trained myself to do 
I've noticed on my videos 25% of the viewers are watching with the subtitles on and I've got a feeling it's just to clarify my particular english accent 
so I'm working on it 

I'm trying to pronounce my consonants 
I'm trying to read more slowly 
if you can understand what I'm saying say hello in the comments below it'd be lovely to hear from you 
it'd be good to know what you think about this this episode

It's slightly different because I'm just reading out the course which wasn't the spirit of the quiz the... the saturday night game show 
the setting that we choose here in the-- in the comment settings applies to all of our new videos and we can also select these defaults on an individual video basis in the advanced tab 

we can create a blocked words list 
sometimes people may use words or phrases that we don't want to see on our channel 
from channel settings go to the community tab where we'll see a section here for blocked words and we can add words or phrases that we don't want to appear in our comments section 

we can also add comments moderators 
add trusted community members to flag comments on our videos for removal 
the comments that they flag are removed from the public comments section and can be found in our helpful review queue as flagged by moderator until we approve or remove them 
and we can add a moderator in our channel settings under community or from the comments tab in YouTube studio 

turn off comments completely 
if we're feeling overwhelmed by comments and these tools, we can choose to turn off all comments by selecting disabled comments in our community defaults 
and that's it! 
the.. the the clock has hit... I was going to call it a counter 
the clock has hit zero which means we can now...
it's quiz time! 
yes it's time 

only three questions tonight so hold on to your hats I'll...
I'll try to get through them as swiftly as possible and scroll up 
test your knowledge 
it's weird having them on the side of the screen isn't it 
if you're still watching this, that's a good sign probably that this layout is working 
question one 

what happens if we flag a comment 
it's held for review 
it's sent to YouTube for review for a community guidelines violation 
it's immediately deleted 
or all of the above 

I'm gonna go for this one all of the above 
oh no!
that's the first time I've got a question wrong 
oh no hang on with this-- 
this isn't a course exam, this is just a test your knowledge quiz 
I think this is the first time that I definitely know I've got a question wrong 
so let's try again what happens if you flag a comment 

I will go for it's sent to YouTube for review 
flagging a comment sends it to YouTube for a review to see if it violates YouTube's community guidelines 
if it does then it's removed 

which of the following is the best way to handle comments that use words or phrases that you don't want to see 
delete the comment 
hide the user who left a comment 
set up a blocked words list 
or disable comments completely 

I am going to choose set up a blocked words list 
that's right 
while all of these options are ways to handle inappropriate comments, the best option is to keep certain words or phrases from being used is to set up a block words list 

which of the following is one way to use comments to positively engage your audience 
turn comments off 
use comments moderators 
create a blocked words list 
or heart a comment 

I'll go for heart a comment 
well done! 
hearting a comment shows your fans that you appreciate them 
now if I hit submit it just says quiz complete 
so there's no letter of... what's it called? 
letter of completion this week 

this is quiz number four 
it's a slightly different one 
what do you think 
was it better to actually have the course before the quiz 
I'm not sure 
I think I like just diving in straight... straight to the quiz 
let me know in the comments below 
thanks for playing along and let me know how you did 
let me know if you got any wrong, and right here is what YouTube thinks you should be watching next!
all the other quizzes are in in the description thanks for playing along

Previous post...
HOW TO SEARCH YOUTUBE COMMENTS and activity log history

All about me, and getting these by email.

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