Saturday 20 March 2021

How much YouTube pays me per 1000 views with 3000 subs in 2021

How much will I get paid by YouTube for my videos?
I was monetized by YouTube almost exactly 1 year ago when I hit 1000 subscribers and had over 4000 hours of watch time. But my YouTube revenue has dropped - and views and watch time.
I share all my YouTube Analytics: CTR click-through rate, Google Adsense payments, RPM how much YouTube pays per 1000 views, watch time from subscribers and average views per viewer.

How much YouTube pays me per 1000 views with 3000 subs in 2021

0:00 How much YouTube pays me per thousand views with 3000 subscribers.
0:55 How much money I earn in a month on YouTube.
1:30 How many views per $100 on YouTube
3:00 How to niche my YouTube channel, and should I delete videos to niche my YouTube channel?
5:30 How much I earn from YouTube for my best top viewed videos
5:43 How much YouTube pays per 1000 views for my video
5:59 What is a good CTR? My average click through rate for my YouTube video, and average click-through rate since published.
6:24 How much I earn from "How to change your YouTube channel name", my CTR and pay per one thousand views - LINK:
7:05 What is an average RPM on YouTube?
7:18 What is a low or high RPM on YouTube per 1k views?
7:49 What is a high CTR click through rate on YouTube, for me?
8:18 My average watch time on YouTube
8:30 What is Audience Retention on YouTube? What is a good average percentage viewed?
11:04 How to subtitle my YouTube video, LINK:
11:40 What is Reach in YouTube Studio? Impressions and Impressions Click-Through Rate?
12:31 What is Traffic Source Types in YouTube Studio? What does YouTube search, External, Suggested videos, Browse features, Direct or unknown mean?
13:26 What does Watch Time from Subscribers mean?
14:03 How much money I earn from my YouTube channel every month.
15:54 What is my average CTR click through rate?
16:30 What is my average views per viewer? Is this any good?

If this video helps, LEAVE A COMMENT below to say hi - I'd love to hear from you.
You can also help me by clicking THUMBS UP or get to 10,000 subscribers with SUBSCRIBE here thanks!


how much money does YouTube pay me at 3000 subscribers?
my revenue is dropping massively this month and I'm showing you why that's happening to me plus I'm going to share the effect that big changes can have on your YouTube channel 

I'm going to show you everything - sharing as many statistics as possible... my google adsense payments, my CTR - the click-through rates, and how much cash I'm paid per 1000 views 

Hello I'm Neil Mossey and I'm a development producer helping high achieving creators and performers just like you to get ideas out of your head and out onto here on YouTube to make the world happier 
I believe so strongly that the world is a better place when your videos are out on here along with mine and to do that I'm sharing my entire journey and all my mistakes 
some of which you're about to see 

I think five of my biggest mistakes are coming up! 
so let's dive straight into my YouTube Studio dashboard 
there it is, I'm currently on 3257 subscribers 
I'm hoping that'll go up by the time you see this 
oh my goodness look at that summary though 
my views are down 32% to about 20000 
that was from nearly 30... 32000 
my watch time is down 40% and my revenue is down by over a third 
that figure used to be somewhere between 220 and 250 dollars a month 
it's now looking at 120 dollars 
and this is what February looks like for me 
let's scroll up February your channel got 20000 views and look is exactly the same as I got one year ago to the month 

in fact I think I probably got more - yeah I got more a year ago and one of my videos went viral and I was monetized in march 2020 
that's this big column here 
109000 views and you can see it's just declined in a nice gentle curve all the way to the bottom of the year 
and then it's plummeted from 32000 in January down to 20000. 
but if I click on my estimated revenue... now $123 is nothing to be sniffed at 
I'm very grateful and pleased but it has plummeted from the heady days of November and December last year which is usual I believe 

but look... look how it differs 
so my views curve down but if I click on the revenue, the revenue kind of does the opposite 
it kind of goes up in a hump 
so my best month was November at $286... 
$269 for December that's pretty much because the revenue just drops on Christmas day 
we've got a whole week there where we're not earning as much money and then January there's a drop 
but this massive drop here, 210 dollars to 123. 
give or take a few dollars it's dropped by half 
my revenue has dropped 50% in one month 
now why is this 
there's a very very simple explanation and that is these top videos here 

I deleted my top five videos 
I've niched my channel and to do that I removed 150 videos but what I didn't do was tackle the very top five videos because they were bringing in money and thousands of views 
I didn't want to touch those 
in January these were my top five videos 
at the top is how to get a PAC code which is how to move cell phone networks here in the UK 
I've got how to recover zoom files 
my reading of the instructions to a Vaillant boiler which is a central heating contraption and buying online postage in the UK and best dehumidifier 
now I was worried that four of those videos don't really link to anything else on my channel 
so I was caught in a... in a strange place because these videos are doing really well for me 
in one month those two videos there are getting four thousand each and the next they're getting two... two and three thousand views 
they're also bringing in about sixty dollars in revenue per month 
it's not life-changing but as a proportion of the business that I'm doing on YouTube this was pretty massive 
I mean this is pretty much a third of my views per month 

so at the end of January I took a very difficult decision to delete them 
I removed my four of my top five videos 
I'm one month on and these are my top five now so my top video is how to recover zoom video file recordings which is great 
that's still doing 4000 views and some others have taken their place so how to change your YouTube channel name are the second and third top rated videos 
how to update the firmware on a Sony ZV1 camera and how to add subtitles 
those are my top five 
they're not getting nearly as many views as my previous top five but do you know what? 
I'm still really glad that I made this decision because at least I know when somebody reaches the end of one of these videos they're more likely to click on one of my other videos 
whereas the dehumidifier video if I've shown you the best dehumidifier well that's great but I don't have anything else on my channel that's even remotely linked to that 
but I just... I just felt that I was sending traffic into a into a blocked dead-end street 
of course I miss the $60 to $80 but let's go in and see how much these videos are earning me 
so this is my top rated video it's all about how to recover video files when a zoom call has ended 
now since published this video has earned me $400 which is great but for the last month it has it's earned me 46 dollars and the RPM there hasn't really changed at all 

it's averaging about eleven or twelve dollars per thousand views 
and if you're interested this is my CTR my click-through rate for this video is 6.6 percent 
if I change this to since published the click-through rate is is a bit higher than the average over the last nearly year 
let's look at the click-through rate for my whole channel for this month so that is 5.3% 
so a 6.6% on my top video is is looking pretty good yeah? 
my second new top five video is how to change your YouTube channel name and this came out in the middle of December so it's been published for about two and a half months now and look at that graph go! 

since published the curve upwards which is looking very healthy for the last month 
let's see how much this video is earning 
it looks like seven dollars... seven dollars a month on 2000 views which means that the revenue per thousand views if I click on the revenue tab, you can see the RPM in the middle here per 1000 views for February... I'm getting $3.47 which is it's lower than the average for my channel which we'll take a look at now 

yeah the... the average for my channel is six dollars per thousand so although it's the... the second most highest rated video is pulling in half the money per thousand views 
my third new top rated video is how to change your YouTube channel name 
this video came out in the middle of January so it's only been live for about six weeks in which time it's earned three dollars
let's click on the revenue 
the RPM is even lower - two dollars per thousand views - so although it's one of my top rated videos that's pulling in pretty much the most views, the revenue that I'm getting per thousand views isn't... isn't nearly as good as my channel average 
now I've worked quite hard on the thumbnail for this one 
I find the thumbnails really difficult to make anyway but they're especially difficult when it's just me talking through... like this one where it's me just talking through a screen recording 

there isn't that much you can put in a thumbnail but what... whoa! 
what I'm astounded by is the click-through rate 
do you remember it was like about five or six percent?
my CTR is 11% on this video so that might explain why YouTube is offering it more than the others 
the watch time is going through the roof but it's a short video 
it's only a couple of minutes long but because the average view duration is 1 minute 16 let's scroll down to audience retention 
yeah look I'm getting nearly 45% of that video watched on average 
so again that's another really good sign to the algorithm except the average view duration is really short 

and let's go to my audience retention 
there that... I mean that explains it right there 
something happens in that video to make the audience plummet 
so I'm at about 60 percent until about halfway through the video which is great 
let's play the video from here 
[VIDEO AUDIO] "...setting that we need, it's not entirely super obvious but this pen icon here if I click on it it brings up the name of your YouTube channel." 
So there RIGHT THERE is where the audience go: "great that's why I came to this video thank you very much!" 
and off they go and my audience retention just plummets 
but it's really good good news that it's getting so many views per month on my channel 

that's a surprise that it's gaining 20 subscribers since it was published that's... that's good for one of my videos in a month 
now my fourth top rated video - I've got good hopes for this because the views have been phenomenal 
it's only been live for about three weeks 
I published it in the second week of February and it's already got a thousand views 
the revenue is five dollars and it's five dollars per thousand views 
now that couldn't really fluctuate because it's still early days yet but that's a good sign 
it's picked up 12 subscribers 
my average views per viewer is 1.2 
that... anything more than one is good 

it might work because it... it indicates that people watching this video watched some other of my other videos 
the average view duration's three minutes which is again... that's 41% 
that's pretty healthy for mine 
obviously I'd love it to get the viewer retention over 50% for any of my videos so 41% is a good step in a good direction 
let's look at the click through... the click-through rate 7.2% 
these are really good statistics for my channel what I feel have been vindicated on is that removing those other videos... dehumidifier and you know how to change a garden trimmer... having those videos gone now to another channel 
this channel: my tightwad dad channel 
I'm just really glad that those videos aren't clattering up my top five because I can see the videos that I want to concentrate on and the videos that I want to do well 
it really helps not being distracted by these other videos that don't really link to anything else on my channel 
and my fifth top viewed video is this one 
how to make subtitles for your YouTube video 

I love how that curve has gone up because it's so gentle growth here and now that looks like it's shooting up 
it's only nine dollars since I released it 
in December last month it pulled in three point eight seven dollars 
let's see what the RPM... the RPM's six dollars which again that's that's healthy 
I'm pleased with that so those are my top five best performing videos this month 
let's go back to just look at the channel overall 
I'm hoping that if I can catalogue it here I'll be able to see in time if this changes over the year to see if my channel does improve 

my overall reach for this month is 5.3% on the click-through rate 
if I scroll down down to the the CTR funnel...
yeah the overall impressions are down 43% because I've removed so many videos from my channel but for this month that's a 5.3% click-through rate
if I jump back to December three months ago pretty much the same click-through rate but on so many more impressions which is why I was getting so many more views 
the average view duration was 2:55 and in February it's two minutes 29 seconds so my average watch time has has dropped 
also if you're interested if maybe you're comparing my figures with your figures to try and guess how much money you might earn when you become monetized at 1000 subscribers or 4000 hours watch time 

this is my traffic source table 
41% of my video views come from YouTube search 
30% comes from external 
I put my videos on my blog 
I've got this strange feeling that linking to my YouTube videos on a on a blog 
not just a blog but it's a google blog 
it's a blogger blog owned by google 
I'm trying out this idea that having a link somewhere else on the internet shows YouTube and google that my videos might be worth taking a look at in terms of rankability and I've got feeling that the 30% external views might be an indication that... that that might be helping 
December is on the left and this is what it used to look like 
I used to get 39% through YouTube search that's not changed that much really 
it's 41% now 
the external hasn't changed 

suggested videos has gone down a lot but I think that's because my overall traffic has gone down 
my watch time from subscribers... I know I'm starting from a really low base place but back in December only two percent of all my video watch time came from subscribers 
in February that's 3.4 percent which is still tiny and a little hint that if these figures are helping why not hit the subscribe button but after you do that let's just just consider for a moment that means my watch time from subscribers has pretty much gone up by over 50% 
but way more than 50 percent 
so although my views have gone down those views are actually coming from people who have visited my channel before 

this month I'm coming up to the one year anniversary after I got monetized so this is pretty much my year end revenue roundup 
for the last six months I've shown you these before on on these videos but it's pretty stark just to show you what is happening on my channel right now 
you can see September through to December I'm bouncing around between 268 and 286 dollars per month 
I removed all of my videos that don't fit my niche 
the videos that I don't feel are helping the channel in October and it didn't really seem to make that much of a dent in my revenue 
I might have earned more money than that, but it didn't make the revenue go down 
then after December we have that big drop after Christmas which was kind of expected 
and then the biggest self-inflicted experiment when I unlisted those top five videos 
the revenue has... has really really plummeted 

you can see just how big a drop that is but I am in the process of filling up this channel with the videos that I really want to put out into the world 
I didn't really come onto YouTube to show people how to change the battery on their vacuum cleaner and I did really well with those kind of videos but it's not where I want the channel to go 
I feel very comfortable in having nearly half the money 
I really need the money as well 
I'm playing a long-term game and the long-term game's this: 
that at least my videos all linked together now 
I mean look at my top earning videos for the lifetime of the channel 
that zoom video is my number one video just trying to encourage more people to put more things on YouTube 
the next four videos don't quite fit into that category 

I guess the mobile phone video sort of does but those next two are garden tools videos so I am really really glad that I've removed them 
the statistics that I get are so much clearer now 
the overall year so far on 2021 and so far my average CTR my click-through rate is 5.1 
my average view duration so far is two minutes 43 
I've got 341 subscribers I really really want to get to the 10000 subscriber mark just to unlock the facilities that you get at 10k subscribers just so I can make videos about experimenting with those 
but 10000 subscribers the rate I'm going will take me another probably two or three years so I'm hoping that one of my videos might take off or maybe a few videos so that my growth becomes a bit more sustained 

and I think this is a really good sign 
this is so buried in the statistics 
my... my biggest most optimistic sign that I've... I've had and that's my average views per viewer is now 1.3 
I have never seen it at 1.3 before 
it's the average number of times that the viewer watched any video on my channel so 1.3 is a sign of of growth and a sign that I'm managing to get more viewers to come back to my channel 
and my adsense revenue for the year so far is 334 dollars on a revenue per mille - that's revenue per thousand views - of six dollars 
so I get about six dollars 30 cents for every thousand views 
the highest I've had this year is nine dollars 
oh man that would be so good if it's... if I could get it up to that 

I'm having lots more videos like this on my channel 
you've probably noticed it if you're a subscriber if you're not why not be awesome and try and take me one step closer to that 10k subs and right here is why you might want to niche your YouTube channel

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NEW YouTube TAX form for non-US creators? Agh! How to fill it in?

All about me, and getting these by email.

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