Final part of my unboxing and building this LEGO compatible London Underground station - in real time, step-by-step as I build my hidden Lego City Railroad layout inside my Garden Office. Will my Lego railway trains fit this model of the London Tube stop? It's the CaDA C66008W London Underground station:
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London Tube station build for my LEGO CITY train layout! REAL TIME!
hello welcome to Brickadilly circus well actually no it's it's the the happy hut this is my garden office where I'm building a hidden Lego City train layout
I don't know if you can see it under here
I've shown it on the other videos in this playlist and if you are intrigued and want to see more I've got links under the video in the description to show you how the track works and what I'm going to build under everything
and have a... a hidden Lego City uh railroad layout under there but I needed a station I needed somewhere for the Minifigs to actually get on the train
that's where this came in I've made three other videos to get to this point
I think it's taken about seven or eight hours to build this it's a CADA London Underground Lego compatible station look... with a barrier line we've got oyster ticket Gates there
it's even got a working ticket machine you can put the money in there and a ticket comes out
and we've got a newsagents I've... I've wrecked it a bit
I've got to repair the newsagents but that's coming together nicely up above there working Lantern got some working lights which I probably show you at the end
and we've got um stairs upstairs to this area but oh no!
we've not built the top floor and that is what this video will cover today
there's an escalator as well... let's spin it around on... let me show the escalator I do really like how that looks look with Treads and the lighting just is just superb and we got an excess fares window there
that probably used to be in olden times the actual ticket office so we're going to do something up here now this is modelled on the Leslie green stations in central London I think the London electric was it called the London electric underground Railway back then on one of these in real life my favorite one is at Camden town and upstairs there's I believe a canteen for the underground staff
so the the canteen - let me show you the box I'll show you what we're working towards this is the box here it's a CADA London Underground Station and the packaging is beautiful let me get you around my equipment this is how it comes boxed and we've got the final uh bags of bricks in here
but let me show you the the canteen
this is what we're heading towards
upstairs look it's it's more of a... a bougie restaurant isn't it with a piano uh but I want to treat my Lego transit authority staff right
it's even got a clean toilet there
so that is what we're going to be building now and to do that I need the... the the bricks they come labeled as you've probably seen on my other videos - they do come numbered but they it just comes as a big heap of bricks
there doesn't seem to be any reason to to have the... the bricks in the bags it's not like a step-by-step thing
and this is what we're going to be building in real time step by step they're all labeled number four we've gone through bags one through three
these are how the CADA instructions look and we're going to build the floor first of the canteen this is going to be a bit bit dull so I'll try and get through this as quick as possible
uh but we're going to build the upstairs floor now which is uh quite exciting so let just sort the base out
I was thinking uh I still don't know the name of the Lego Transport company
if you know the name for it uh put it in the comments I want to call it TfL: transport for Lego - so I think I'm going to stick with that for now it's quite difficult to actually make sure these snap even though the Cada bricks are really clutch uh my my building technique is uh leaves a bit to be desired and as I've mentioned on the previous videos I have uh it would take a long explanation but I have reindeer rugs in the the garden office here and I don't want to get hairs trapped between the bricks
and by the way talking of bricks: on the previous video I couldn't find the proper elastic bands for the ticket machine
they were in one of the number one bags that I'd left from earlier
this is the ticket machine where you can put money in and it dispenses a ticket and it does it by pushing the back here so this is wrong
that was my bodge, these are the official elastic bands - I've got to demonstrate it haven't I
I hope there's a ticket in here already I'll put the band on and then I'll show you the the ticket machine hopefully working properly now
that did okay but I think this is the proper one
I almost want to put all three on just so that um I don't lose them
but the tickets in there and the way it works - this is brilliant - this... you you take your money your $100 bill cuz that's how much tfl charge for tickets
and you put that in here which this is great it dispenses the ticket so that actually works
that absolutely works
now what would happen if I put all three on I don't think you're supposed to do this but um it would just mean that I don't lose them
there we go that's fantastic great so I load up the ticket and then we can put the machine back in place and I'm going to put the... the money on the floor I think just as a little feature we have the the lighting built in and we're going to get the the floor to sit on that so put this ticket machine back in and then back to the second floor we're in instruction number one and this goes up to D this is the fourth bag
it goes up to D68 for the roof so the instructions are really super clear though
I am enjoying following them uh here we go so on to D number two I'm going to flip this round put this one on here also in the comments put your favorite London Underground Station in the comments
I mention this on every video but for me it's Camden town which has which looks like this but it has one backed onto another so if this were a bigger layout maybe I'll get a second one to to create my own Camden Town station I'd forgotten quite how many of these Leslie green stations there are on different lines and I think when Leslie died I've forgotten his name but someone else carried on the tradition of these red uh Oxblood tile buildings and uh made them on the the bakerloo line places like Maida Vale and Kilburn Park
all right we're going to flip this over now oh it's a bit of a Brain Brain Buster great so I'm back on track now so forgive me if you see me blowing between every instruction is to get rid of these uh molting reindeer
I really am trying to make sure it's pushed in so it doesn't curl up and then to finish up the floor just need to um build up these here
this London Tube Station top floor is already looking like a floor
eight goes here... another one... and then a six I'll try and stop saying the word Oxblood
but that is the official name of this color in London Underground speak
just lost my monitor
three here four here
excuse me I just need to lift my monitor wow we are rocking through these instructions we're can do a lot of tiling next by the look of it
in case you didn't know I think we're going to build a toilet here which I'm quite looking forward to I've never built a Lego style toilet before and a gap of three we put six there
there two there and a three there [Applause]
okay and in case you haven't seen the cada construction toy construction model clutch bricks it does actually say the word CADA on every stud which is a nice touch
make sure these are all pressed together oh by the way I'm going to be doing a time lapse of the entire build so I suspect if you are still watching you're kind of skipping ahead which is a good thing or put it on double speed uh but I will release a time a time lapse of the whole build I think so far it's taken about 7 and 1 half hours I'm not a huge fan of the tilings the thing with Lego builds now I completely understand why but they everything gets covered in tiles all the studs get hidden with tiles and to me it just makes like everything look kind of shiny which I'm not a huge fan of I do like seeing the studs and being able to put the the Minifigs anywhere uh but I completely understand why uh for looks you'd want to cover everything up with tiles but I don't know it just makes everything look like a ice skating rink that there you know I'm not a big fan of the roads that uh that go this way oh I've got one left over did I do that right then one goes here so I've got one of these left over I'm going to do some more tiling over here now by the look of it
I can see the hair trapped in there just have to cover it up
need another two there it is there now we'd get a slight uh change of color I think this is for the toilet
tiling the toilet
I'm just following this pattern
it's nice kind of 1910s pattern of bathroom furniture
that's a satisfying color scheme isn't that there we go and then we're going to do bit more tiling over here now should zoom in let's zoom in I don't need to be able to see the instructions that's the problem um I leave I'll leave the instructions up here you might be able to see them in the distance right down here
we can do this section now
just keep uh tiling up the floor here
okay that's the floor there and we're going to finish the tiling here here
great so that's the floor tiled then we're going to start building up the the bar area at the back so I've
already pre-sorted these
I can see the hairs from the
fur you can see the back wall is going to match the color of the Underground Station that's cool here's where we start to ramp things up I think so we're going to really uh romp through this uh Canteen/restaurant uh let's put some more on the back here
now we're going to put in some cabin cabin Cabinetry can't even say it just put some C cupboards maybe these are ovens then we got some drawers it's a really nice touch like these drawers open up if you can see that and the ovens or cupboards or fridges open up be able to hide things in there that would be cool is it and then put one final fridge in and then we're going to build up the back a little I've still got Parts left over from the first three builds I don't like having bits left over I feel like I've skipped something or left something out a three here
should I get this closer let's get this closer so you can see it come together it's so easy to miss a brick especially if you've got a few which are the same shape so now we're going to tile the kitchen top or the work top
and I say this with every one of these builds but I have no idea how they managed to plan out the intricacies of building this it's really impressive really well
house I like I think I leave the door is slightly open give it a bit of
Personality right next what's next oh we got bu up here now
I need to make seven no five of these they look like that they go this way around to know what that does it's going to be good isn't it
oh look there's a little sink I've just seen that goes there jumping ahead oh no that's that is part of this instruction
I'm going to uh build like a a bar that runs across so put this at the back
and then one of these at either end this is so
stylish and then these clutches I don't know if that's what you call them but they will hold a bar by the look of it so I put that there or three bars
I I need to put two
in you go there that doesn't look right
there we go got it the right way around that's
better and now we can finish the top here so this locks oops this one locks it in
and then we can put the bars in I'm sort of against a race against the clock because um my camera battery keeps dying look at that it's a really nice bar isn't that next we have to build four of these coffee jugs and it's uh really simple there's like a horn that goes into a clutch uh there's a round like clear head and a clear stud at the bottom and I've made four of
these and they go on the bar
here face them inwards then we could put a coffee cup
here and there are two more up at the back
here if I hold it up you an idea of how that looks from a mini fig POV it's nice isn't it uh we've got a cash register this is I think the last sticker to go on the clear piece there that goes this way
around and uh I've got a a tap a water tap that needs to go there Where's my water tap bre it off from the sink here I've made a sink already I'll just put that there wow that looks that's looking a lot like a very nice canteen even though I think it's supposed to be like some kind of restaurant or coffee bar now we can build up the rest of the bar here I love that these they have two different ways around going this way around
and one on the back
here and we can build these up that' be cool to have Windows there wouldn't it but that's not the plan
it's going to be quite a tall model tall Tube Station there we go now we're going to fit a back to the bar so I need one of
these and we're going to put some tiles on here
then at the back we're going to fit these funny bricks here let's zoom out I think they stack on top of each other like this and then they go behind this on here
so just pile these
up I think these go
here like that and then we'll put one last piece on here
so it looks like this and then I guess it's going to slot into place here isn't it but we'll finish up this part here I've pre-made some of these so we've got one of these um it's sort of made up of
parts and I'm going to put them in on here
show you closer there it's nice touch you got strange bricks though look at that it's a weird break isn't
it anyway we've made four of
these they go on
here and now we can put it into place on the the back of the kitchen
area and it slides down really
around oh dropped up and the probably the best bit of the whole build we'll put the toilet bowl in here and I guess there's a stud there so mini fig can sit or stand or whatever there is a little toilet roll I know there's different ways of uh making toilet rolls in Lego CER have gone with this option where I'll put it here now do you does your toilet roll go over the top or fall down behind let me know in the comments my dad puts sit behind and my son and I keep changing it around to uh being around the front well that seems a bit oh it seems a bit close to the uh to the toilet ball but okay nice and uh easy reach there and then we've built a little sink here which is uh kind of a quarter thing and a stud and a tap uh um so I'm going to put this on the wall here hope that it doesn't get vandalized something for the transport for Lego employees to uh to wash their hands now we're going to build up the the wall behind so I need these pieces here we're going to go uh one here and a three I'll put the L shape in
first this is Extreme character full do like this and then we'll we need the toilet pipe the pipe that goes to the system that goes there and now we can easily build this wall up another stud
level w we are motoring through these instructions and now we need to finish off the wall and the uh the toilet fixture and now we can cap this off with another eight and I need another four where's another four oh no I'm oh no I'm short by four I keep thinking that I'm going to miss a piece I think there's this one
here and there's um a toilet flush we need a toilet flush which is this handle here which I'd rather have my train as a controller but no it's a very oldfashioned toilet flush that looks great look at that put that there and then uh I think we're done oh no the mirror so we got a mirror so this is the bathroom it's looking very uh well appointed so the mini figs can see themselves there we go oops that's looking good push that on the side that's looking great next to right next to the food preparation area perfect so so we're good then uh obviously the most important thing with the toilet is the toilet door so we we have it I think outward opening we'll put that there so now finally have some privacy uh with the three other walls and now we can lock in all of these all of these parts so with these pieces here I'm going to put one on the side here four to lock this
in and then I think sixes got six
here and a six here
and then two
eight there we go that's looking really smart and then we'll tile it so that the the roof can sit on this comfortably and also will give a bit more privacy to the toilet so we'll put the four here and then a four and a three here let's open the oh no I've broken the broken the toilet door handle that's going to happen in time isn't it I'm not a fan of the the handle I suppose it looks sort of Art Deco which is probably after the time there we go let's let's open the door so we can see what's going on and then we'll put these tiles on
we are so close to completing this model after so many hours now I've jumped ahead we're going to do the piano area and I've actually I've I've I've gone ahead and built the piano cuz I was too excited let me take it apart slightly so you get the a feel for for how it looks so we have these white grills and these uh plates which kind of locked together with some uh nice tiles on the side and then the same with this it's like a a block with some tiles and it's holding a another tile with I think the final sticker on which is some sheet music I don't know what I wonder what the music shows uh but anyway that looks on top and then we can put the piano over on the side here it's got a space it's got three studs waiting for it on each side and then there's a really cute little piano stool which is this one it's just a a tile with two cones on and the cones should I've not done the cones properly so I think I know does it lock oh it locks onto the the stud so it kind ofes doesn't go on the outside or the inside you have to kind of set them in slightly that's a nice touch and then that can go there it should have a bare stud so there could be a a nice coffee cup on the side there should I just put coffee mug on there that's that doesn't look good does it all right we we'll get some tables in that's the next section oh no really important we' got some money some more money it's another $100 bill that's oh dear that's sat on the on the side here and now we can build the chairs and the chairs are really easy kind of build and there are eight of them so it's like a l-shape 1 by two stud there and uh this is a nice touch it's a half tile half stud and I guess the the mini fig uh no Minifigures come with this London Underground Station but I've got I've got one of mine here sit him on the chair uh so they lock at the front which is uh which is cool so I'll put it here for for perspective and then we've got chairs and tables so we've got eight chairs and I think they go here and then the table it's like a some kind of I was going to say Periscope what you call it a telescope into a tile and they have a like a socket on the top there which uh means you can put a mug which is kind of cool that's really nice so I'll just quickly put more chairs and tables in might be easier to put the the tables in first y that's cool and uh one table here and one of these chairs was missing a 1 by two which I found earlier so I can put that back on now oops just destroyed it hey if there's a bar fight a bar room braw that' be really good wouldn't it cuz he can just Smash It hey smash uh and the chair would fall apart anyway that's that's for another
video I'll just put the the tables in and the chairs I might put them in slightly wonky so they look a bit more natural rather than some kind of weird
classroom I probably shouldn't have been so easy with the the coffee mugs should I should actually have saved them for the for the table can't believe we're out of mugs already let's take one from over here then it would be have more personality wouldn't it
to let's put let's put one there oh that's a lot of fun next we're going to put up a little um ballustrade behind here because this is where the stairs come up for you to get into the the restaurant the uh tfl transport for Lego canteen staff
canteen so we'll have two um Banes don't what we call them banisters and on here there's a 1x4 and you can put some flowers on which I've already done it's but which is stuffed because it's quite difficult to lock it down with the flowers on but yeah that looks that looks really good doesn't that then to finish it off we're going to tile the top of the um of the banisters and it's says we we should have two of these but honestly I've I've got a one and a three so something's gone wrong I I at every stage oh I know what I've done wrong that's why the the piano sto didn't work it was a good job I talked that part through that's why they didn't fit that's a three so easily done oh that looks much better there we go and then the fours go on here see I every stage I doubt C's ability to give me the right tiles but they've come through yet again I can put these flowers here I'm not a big fan of the Lego flowers are you uh say hi in the comments um I'm going to put it like this I don't know if it'll fit in once I put it on top of the Underground Station Parts the uh the ticket Hall and is that it oh my goodness that's it we've we've completed this so we're going to do the roof now but let me show you just give you a little tour of this amazing restaurant and toilet on suweet very old-fashioned 1910 style uh bathroom there restroom and that is looking absolutely magnificent now I'm going to put it into the underground station but hold your horses cuz I've got the dull piece to do now and I don't want to lose you at this crucial moment before I put it all together so back down here I've skipped ahead because I knew you wouldn't want to watch me building a roof but this is what the roof looks like um I mean it's yeah tricky to to follow but I think I've done it correctly and I don't know why I've got these parts left over here maybe we'll find out I can't imagine what have I for for gotten um but on the roof we have a air conditioning unit which like two fans stuck to the side and a and like a piece of pipe that comes out that looks good at least there's some kind of detail on the roof do you know what though the best thing would be to um I I want to build this and have a modular building on top so that this would be the bottom and there'd be like some apartment or office block on top which is how the uh real life stations were were meant to be built some still have nothing on the roof and others do have buildings on top um but why why why have I got all of these tiles left over that's really wrong I'm going to have to when I finish this video I'm going to have to go back through the instructions and see uh what I've done with these I can't imagine which ones I've left because they're quite I mean there's quite a lot aren't there um and I can't see where where it would go where would those bits go did I did I do the back I did the back didn't I yeah that's all tiled so I've have no idea where I've gone wrong but I've I've clearly forgotten something somewhere see if you can spot it if you can spot where these pieces should have gone let me know in the uh in the comments anyway let's put the The Canteen restaurant and I'll see if there are any gaps see if I've made any mistakes oh no I've just broken a coffee pot okay it's a bit difficult to lift up and hold the camera at the same time I'm going to put this on top oh no there's the gray so this slides down like this oh my goodness that is so satisfying if I push it for forward there locks into place that is looking like I've not missed any parts so let me do the reveal and the lighting look at the lighting if I turn off my main light look at that that is so cool so the top is now lit and it sinks up with the staircase uh to this front door let me spin the station round give you the Big R feel this is looking so good look at that it peek through the
windows and then down to the uh ticket Hall with the barriers all in place oh the roof of course we've got a roof now haven't we the ticket machine which now works there's a news agents on there sorry about the flickerings because of the battery powered LEDs but that is looking really really cool I think I've I've accidentally pushed some things that should be on the counter there and here is the staircase the door to the staircase that leads up to the to the W to the toilet uh let's go up and you'll be able to see down here the staircase that leads to this close the toilet door it's not the first thing you want to see you want to see see this I'm so impressed with this uh CER you've done such an amazing job with this I need to dig out some Minifigures now to populate it properly be great if they were transport for Lego figures but that is the reveal of everything in place I cannot tell you how happy I am with how this looks and I think I mentioned this before but what do is um when I put it next to the the railway track I'm going to have it looking a bit like kentish Town not exactly but a little bit like kage town so if I move lift up the restaurant like this look I love that you can look inside and then let's try and remove the back wall yeah so that comes out and then the idea is that you'd be able to walk through the entrance hall and then at the back I'm going to build a platform I think this would be the that's the cable for the lighting I think I want the platform to be here so a bit like kentish town you can walk through to the the the National Rail trains and then there's the escalator to the the proper Subway or the underground so I should be I should have been using the word Subway shouldn't I it's a subway station a London subway station um it's a little bit odd having these flashes of whites but I don't know it's a bit of bit of character but I do love the idea I should lift a train up so you can see see how it would work I think I've got to work out how this is going to sit on the floor for the the train tracks that are under here for my Lego City Railway so excuse my trainers um that runs around the the garden office so there's the track and I've got the the points so I need so I need some more track and there'll be another platform in the middle as well it would kind of look a bit like this and it feels so wrong to put something so beautiful just on the floor but it it's almost the exact correct Heights for the the bench that it's up against I love the idea of just having a a hidden Lego City Railway I've got the complete track complete running Loop all the way underneath these benches and then this will be one of the stations I think this will be I'll call this one faringdon and I I love the idea of just having a train that just runs kind of uh subsurface level but with this beautiful lesli green station I just looks so good I'm not sure it would be this high but keeping it this high would mean that the pl form level at the back would be just the right height and then I could like run a platform out to the sides and in between the two tracks at the back so it' be like a double double track station and it just looks so good but being on the floor here means that I'd never get to see that amazing canteen that's at the top there with a piano I can't even push the camera inside uh I think that's going to that's going to be great the only other place I could put it would be over on the other side and i' I've kind of opted against it because it's the it's the first thing you see is you come in the door and it would kind of spoil the uh the idea of it being like a hidden city Railway let's put it over there and see how it looks already is it's covered in dirt and reindeer fur but I'm just giving you the effect of of walking into the happy heart and then obviously it'll be tidier I've absolutely wrecked The hut Building this Railway but it'll be there and maybe there' be some other buildings next to it um and it would back onto the railway track again with a second track and a platform uh in between and a platform coming out from the side here but at least here i' be able to see it and lift the roof off which I can't really do over there I think I might leave it here for now only because it's taken over 8 hours to build on camera I'm sure it would be quicker if I weren't filming it cada have done an absolutely amazing job absolutely knock out I am calling this the dad delivers success if you want to follow my other Lego City hidden train layout builds there's a link on the description here and uh on screen now thank you for hitting the thumbs up or the Subscribe button it really helps me to keep this channel and keep this layout growing and right here is what YouTube knows you want to be watching next
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