Tuesday, 25 February 2025

How I HALVE our Internet Broadband monthly bill... with just 2 calls.

Cheaper Broadband! What is the best broadband internet deal? How do you get onto the cheapest broadband package price or negotiate your monthly fees down? I show how I halved our monthly internet costs by making only 2 phone calls - though, the second call was made by the broadband company to me! If you hate to negotiate, I share how I avoid all the sales talk and leave it to the internet company to bring the best broadband plans to you, with 3 best tips at the end for how to bring your internet bill down.

How I HALVE our Internet Broadband monthly bill... with just 2 calls.


Are you watching your internet broadband fee go up and up and up each month? You know in your bones that you could get a better deal or even move to another provider, but you're putting off making that call and making those savings that you know you could make right now. I know exactly how you feel, so I'm going to show you how I halved—yes, *halved*—our monthly fee from £54.39 a month all the way down to £20 a month for 18 months. And I know that's even more than 50%, and over the course of 18 months, that will save us over £600. So, uh, it's the wind, I’m not crying tears of joy.
I know why you're putting this off—because the broadband companies do everything they can to make you feel bad about this and to make you feel grateful for what you've got. And you don't want to make that call because you... you don't want to make things worse, or... or you don't want to be offered a deal that's not that good, but you're going to take it because you're scared that you'll lose even that. 
I'm going to show you how I ignore all of that and what I do to sidestep some of the sales techniques they use to try and make us pay more each month for our broadband. It's going to involve making two phone calls at least, and you've just got to hold your nerve. The... the trick behind this is to completely believe that you *will* leave this broadband provider. 
Now I've got the whole family on my back saying: “What?! Don't lose our internet! Don't get our internet cut off!” and it does involve a bit of nerve, thinking that that might happen. But I promise you, if everything goes wrong, you can just go back as a new customer. That's the first tip.
*Can I start by taking your full name?*

Are you the main account holder?


And do you know how much your latest bill was?

*Uh, £54.39.*

Okay, I'm just going to get into your account. So how can I help today?

*Uh, just need to, uh... I just need to cancel the, uh, the account, please.*

Okay, can I ask the reason for the... the disconnection?

*Yeah, my wife’s found a... a broadband deal for £20 a month, and, uh, I think this is in my name, so I... I need to close this down so she can get that one started.*

Is that with us also?


Let’s see, is there a new supplier?


Okay, I mean, I... I could see if I can get the... get your price down because you've been with us a while. So even though it’s £54 at the minute, there'll be some... some pretty good discounts on your account. Are you happy enough with the speed, the 250 speed?

*Yes, thank you.*

Does anybody work from home with the internet?


And how many people are in the house at one time?

*Uh, four. Four people.*

Okay, so keeping the same speed, I'd get it down to £30 a month, down from £54.

*Yeah, that's more than the £20 that she’s found, so I... I don't really need that, thank you.*

So is it £20 dead?

*Yeah, for two years, I think.*

Okay, and what speed is that—uh, same speed?

I mean, that will be a new customer deal, so it will be heavily discounted. But then you just have to... just watch when you come out of contract because the price will double.

When you come out of contract.

*Yeah, they tend to put it up, don't they?*

Yeah, but that's just because it’s a bit like this one where you've come out of contract...


So, I mean, if you did stay, I've got my own discount. I’d get it down to £23... £23 a month.

*Yeah, that's... that's still more than £20 a month.*

It is, but considering it's a new customer deal elsewhere, because you've been with us nine years, I'm not matching it, but I'm not... not far off.

*Yeah, at the moment...*

That's what happens when you are with somebody a long time, is your discounts get better over... over the time. So, in the long run, you are better off staying. In the short term, you're going to be paying £20, but then all these discounts that are on your account at the moment are just going to disappear.

*Yeah, but for two years, that's... that's more than... that's more than £20.*

But only just, I mean, it’s three pound out, and that's your customer deal—yeah, you're an existing customer with us. I mean, I can give you a speed upgrade for the £23 as well.

*I don’t...*

I can go up to the 350 for £23 now.

*I was really happy with the 250, to be honest. So I can't really go back and say I’ve... I’ve... I can't cancel it because I'm paying more. I’ll look like a bit of a chump. I... I look like a bit of an idiot, so I... I can't do that, sorry.*

I mean, just to cancel over three pound seems a bit of a shame.

*Yeah, but I...*

You have a cooling off period with your new suppliers, so even though you've signed up, you can still cancel and change your mind. You know... you don't have to tell them what price it is. You can just cancel, if you... if you want.

*Yeah, but at the moment it's... it's... it's less than £54 a month, so I... I... I think I've better, you know, just close this. Do you... do you need me to send back the... the... the box? Do I need to post that back to you?*

Yeah, we need it back. So is the new service installed yet?

*Uh, no. She’s just waiting for me to do this, so I... I... I just need to... to... to close this.*

So you no longer give 30 days notice. You would just go through your new supplier, uh, so once you've signed up with them...


Um, to avoid any unnecessary bills, you just go through them, okay? So, um, you would just notify your new supplier of your intention to switch, and we'll send any and all the relevant information out.


Um, so you need to contact your new provider who will notify us of your intention to switch. As soon as you've got your install date, uh, your disconnection then lines up with that, okay? So it’s just a bit easier way of doing it.

*Oh, lovely. Thank you.*

No problem. Is there anything else I can help with?

*No, that's... that's really helpful. Thanks for your help.*

No problem, no problem. So you just need to organize it with your new supplier now, um, just get the install date, and they'll do the rest for you.

*Brilliant, lovely. Thanks for your help.*

Well, no problem, no problem. Have a nice weekend.

*Yeah, you too. Have a great weekend.*

Thanks a lot. Thanks. Bye-bye.

*Bye-bye now.*
Okay, so that took 12 minutes. I mean... oh, it's difficult, isn't it? It's difficult; it's brinkmanship. But I say stick with it—go with it. So they've offered £23, and I know you're probably screaming at the screen saying, "Take it, take it, take it," and you're probably right. And it might be that they say, "Oh no, we can't offer that to you again—we've offered it already," but... I’ll put some lights on. 
I say stick with it, because it was £20 a month. I've had that for the last four years, and £23—is that a 15% increase? Also, I’m... it's sticking in my throat slightly, as you can probably hear, that they've obviously whacked me on to £56 per month, so I've paid that, so I've got to now divide that extra over the two years.
Hold strong! 
But now it’s two days later, and guess what? They called back! They called back, and luckily I've managed to start the camera rolling. The sound's a bit rubbish at the beginning, so I put subtitles on the screen, but this is what happens next.

*Yeah, it’s £54.39.*

Would you say you’re sort of happy with that speed, or do you have any issues with it?

*No. No, it's perfect. Absolutely.*

Just to cut in here for a moment—did you notice that the very first question that was asked is: “Are we happy with our internet speed?” Now that's a really standard question, but last night we were having real problems with our internet. It... it was almost as if the speed was being throttled, and it might have been a complete coincidence that we just happened to have problems with the internet now, or who knows—maybe it's part of the sales tactic. Just don't know.

*Okay, so. If I was to apply a new discount for you, um, basically if I sort of rebuild the package for it, it’s 250—the sort of standard price for it now comes in at, uh, at £60. But then I've got a £37 discount here to drop it down to £23 a month. And then what I can do on top is apply a £3 personal discount, which is the highest one we can offer for, uh, for broadband deals. The overall price—I can then drop it down to £20 a month for you.*

*That would be really helpful, because my wife has managed to find somewhere for, for £20 a month, so if... if you're able to offer, like... oh, can I, how long would that be for, please?*

*It’s, uh, for 18 months, and it’s the same speed that you’ve got now there as well, so you wouldn’t be sort of dropping it down at all.*

*Okay. And, I mean, during on this term, that actually went up during the 18 months. Is it likely to go up during the 18 months, you know, whatever we go through now?*

*Well, in regards to all providers, we also go through a rate of inflation increase every year. So every April with ourselves, it goes up by 3.9% plus rate of inflation slack. So like last year, it went up by 8.8% altogether. So if you, if it goes up by 8.8% again, you’re going down to £20, uh, plus 8.8%, it will then go up by about £1.70. So after April, it will go by about £21.76.*

*Brilliant. That’s really helpful. So that’s in April. Lovely. Um, well, do... do I need to do anything to... to... make this happen?*

*So, um, if you were happy to... to go ahead with it, um, that’s all I do on this call, is it just sort of send you over the details? You’ve got to copy in writing, and then I... I put it all through for you then, my end, so it'll only take me a couple of minutes there.*

*Brilliant. Well, that's, um... yeah, let's... let’s do it, then. Uh, move back. Thank you.*

*Brilliant. Because, um, your latest bill was £54.39. Um, your next bill with us will only be £2.81, so you're getting some credit back for it. And then after... after the £2.81 in November, uh, December then will just be the £20 onwards to you, okay?*

*Perfect, thank you.*

*Brilliant, um, anything else that they could look up for you today?*

*No, it’s extremely helpful. Thanks, thanks for your time.*

*Yeah, no, that’s no worries. Well, thank you for your time anyway, and take care now.*

*Thank you. Thanks for the call.*

So we did it! We managed to cut the broadband bill by more than half, and we're going to be saving over £600 over... over the 18 months. So it's—my goodness, those two phone calls are painful, but they're really worth doing.

The first technique is to make sure that, uh, you give them a date of notice, so a 30-day notice. Start the call by saying, “I want to end this on...” If it’s the 25th this month, say the 25th next month.

The second thing I do is to put the blame on someone else. So I'm lucky I have a beautiful wife that I can blame for these things, and it means that all the sales techniques won't work because I've told them I'm not the decision maker on this, and that really steps up their game.

The third is to *not* accept the first offer. Whatever they tell you is a first offer, and even if they say “This is it—if you don’t answer now, we’re going to take this away,” or imply that—just know that you can take your business anywhere, and you could even leave and come back as a new customer where you'll definitely get a better deal anyway. But they don’t want to do that—they just want to keep the people they want. They want to reduce their churn. For the companies, it's not personal; it's a numbers game. But for us, it's intensely personal because we don’t want the internet to get cut off, and I don’t want my family blaming me for losing the internet to the whole house.

So I appreciate there’s real pressure here, and they know it. Don’t let them make you feel grateful for something you're paying a lot of money for. I am calling this a dad delivers success! Leave me a comment down below and tell me some of your techniques or tips and tricks that you use to keep your internet broadband monthly fees down. And thank you for hitting the thumbs up or the subscribe button—it really helps me to keep this channel going. I really appreciate it, and right here is what YouTube knows you want to be watching next.

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