Wednesday, 26 February 2025

How NOT to get a bus in ROME... or Metro train... TICKET FAIL!

How I COMPLETELY failed to validate our Bus & Metro pass: first time on a bus in Rome, Italy...

How NOT to get a bus in ROME... or Metro train... TICKET FAIL!


hello welcome back to the channel where we try new things to make your family happy and today it's a... it's quite an exotic one and it's very specific 
The new thing that we're trying is to get a bus for the very first time here in Rome uh we're going to try and go into the city that's why we're at this bus stop here and I think we've got to validate these... these cards
They're valid for 72 hours there you go Joe you could put it in the machine
Over to the machine over here.
And you just put the put the card in he's probably going to wait for us to do it there we go, is it done it I can't see 
let's do...
what all right... 
You put this you put this in the machine? okay
He says it works. 
There you go, there you go you press the button 
put it in
Force it in.
Which way round? 
Which way round?
Try the other way 
What way did you do it?
With the barcode facing me. 
Where's the date stamp?
I haven't got one! 
Why not?
I don't know! 
oh there you go hey right see put Arrow... Arrow Way Down... we'll be there in a minute Is it that way?
The arrow. The arrow's the clue. 
There you go. 
oh that was funny the bus driver was having none of it! 
So this our first bus.
So all the uh duolingo that I did for... oh you know half an hour on the uh plane on the way over just escaped me! 
We didn't realize this but you can actually use the back doors as well 
Unfortunately I've scared the kids by putting lots of videos about Pickpockets on WhatsApp so now everyone's terrified of uh getting on the the the Metro - the train - so as a bonus we we're now going to get off the bus and get into a metro train and try not to get pickpocketed. 
Okay so I don't know if this the right stop.
We went sailing past um the metro station 
let's go whoa, watch it!
why are you so... 
we think we found the metro station uh just can't find the entrance 
okay so this is the entrance it looks really... oh look B for the B line! 
oh man here we go
there we go 
Man I've put the fear of God into my family there's no one here but we're still looking out for pickpockets 
Grazie! Grazie! 
I didn't mean to crumple it that was an accident
I didn't know... I didn't know he was going to ask for it back!
That was mistake number two 
So this is our stop: Circo Massimo
I don't know if I pronounced that right I can see barriers we just got to get to the barriers without being pick pocketed 
Circo Massimo!
It's very dark the the Rome Metro 
undergrounds should be really lit
Oh yeah here we go we just walk through oh yeah you can just walk through these that's what you needed to put the ticket in it's oneway barrier so that's a bit easier just hop over 
people literally walk around with boxes of pizza you 
other other cities have rats but here they just have pizza no no they have pizza places 
so look we just walked out of the exit straight into a Roman ruin I love this place 
it's absolutely gorgeous so I hope this uh this video is helpful I'm not sure it was um but if it is we've got loads more 
so thank you for hitting the thumbs up or the Subscribe button I'm right here next to the Metro sign this what you YouTube knows you are going to love watching next guys look!

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Why my son's Fanta theory is perfect...

All about me, and getting these by email.

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