We went out to see the Trevi Fountain in our evening in Rome. This is what it's like, plus a suggestion for where to eat out afterwards: We really enjoyed the Comodo Restaurant which is really close to the Trevi Fountain.
How to Trevi Fountain with a family in Rome... and where to eat!
hello welcome back to the channel where we try new things to make your family happy and tonight we're sharing this with you it's a night out at the Trevi fountain in Rome Italy uh we just thought we'd share some sights and sounds and maybe some food as well afterwards but this is how the evening goes down [Music]
I feel like I should explain I'm dressed like this because we did plan to have a a day out at the beach and it went wrong we missed the bus so we took the bus in the opposite direction came sorry we came we came to the here uh the Trevi fountain we we walked past the president's Palace that was very Grand and it's beautiful sunset so this just out I was just about to shoot a piece to camera but you're right his thighs are quite impressive so this is the um presidential Palace with for the president of Italy but I just what's going on with those um statues above the entrance there it looks like they got some kind of satellite dish on their heads I don't think it's a Halo is it oh well uh we're going to get to the Trevi Fountain now Trevor which I think is this way the Trevor Fountain we you think is this way oh man what a great View
so the advice from all the YouTubers is go go in the evening go when it's quieter go you see the fountains in the evening and and uh well thank you YouTube I think everyone's taken your advice but this is the Trevi fountain [Music] [Applause]
[Music] we got a prime pitch um but unfortunately it's one of those fountains that we've not seen anywhere finally we found one and it's up up up mommy's skirt looks like
it's why is it okay the shoes have come off and this is a this is a pretty original experience isn't it paddling near the Trevi Fountain not meant to you're not meant to stay
you that is the one of the most beautiful things in the world and here's one of the other most peaceful things in the world
yeah oh just here
so we're in kodo which is like really close to the Trevi Fountain and uh they have a pasta station Sushi Station you see the bar behind me and obviously Pizza the the the greatest thing of all though is that just over my shoulder are Mario and Luigi so this must be a good place they say you know if a restaurant is full of Italians it must be a good Italian restaurant for this this this Mario and Luigi he gave you a thumbs [Music] up oh recognize these you want to see the dishes okay here are the dishes we've got uh chicken ramen from the Sushi Station we have another chicken ramen and then what did you go for Salad and Coke okay salmon salmon salad yeah in salate cucumber avocado salmon teriyaki marinade aami Mar I'm not sure Pi cabbage oh really and I went for the um suaki salmon which looks absolutely delicious ious nice bit of rice there oh can't wait and some ginger oh should I break into it here we go oh yeah look at that oh yes oh my
[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] let's tuck in here we go salmon B of rice okay better I'm calling this a dad delivers success a bit of an impromptu video thank you for hitting the thumbs up I'm giving a Chef's kiss
I should be thank you for giving me a chef's kiss all hitting this the subscribe button it really helps me to keep this channel going and right here is what YouTube knows you want to be watching next where's Mario
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