Wednesday, 11 March 2020

Dyson Red Flashing Light - What to do next

DYSON FLASHING RED LIGHT? How to replace V6 battery TightwadDad

What does a flashing red light on a Dyson vacuum cleaner mean?
It means... guess what!
You've got to pay some money!
I'm gonna show you what to do next.

So let me tell you a story I'll try and get through it as quickly as possible - hello
by the way I'm Neil.
I'm the Tightwad Dad.
Every video we make is about us trying to be happy with what-- I'm holding this like
it's some kind of weapon.
And it is.

Anyway every day I try to make a video about trying to find happiness with the stuff that we've already got, and most of the time it works.
With this one I'm not so sure.

It might be a bit long so in the description I'm gonna put the times of the different things that you can do to get rid of this but I'm gonna try and tell our story along the way.
I'm gonna try and also try and find some happiness in this story as we go.

So anyway it starts like this.
We get the Dyson vacuum cleaner.
I want to call it a Hoover just to annoy them but I won't because I’m gonna try and keep this Dyson specific.

When you get a flashing red light of doom - the Dyson death flash - first thing you need to do is to call the Dyson helpline and they’ve put the number on the back I'll put it in the description if you're in the UK

So anyway so called the helpline and we got a new battery to replace the one that probably should have lasted longer than it did
Now this battery has lasted as one year and one month so we call the Dyson help line hoping that it probably should have lasted longer than one year and one month

But the Dyson helpline told us “no” because this is a replacement for the faulty one.
We've got to pay for a brand new one.

Now I'm not saying anything about the state of our house but I don't think we do enough cleaning to clap out an entire rechargeable battery in in a year!

I'd hope that it would last longer than a year but they said “no” you've got to pay 65 quid for a brand new one

So what I'm gonna do is fit it on camera in case it helps you replace your battery.

I-- I'd I'd have hoped that it would last longer than a year
I don't know why
Probably the amount of money we spent in the first place

The company that we're dealing with disagrees so I'm gonna try and find the happiness in spending more money on a battery that should probably have worked better in the first place

So it was probably our fault -- It IS our fault.
All of this is our fault for buying this in the first place that's what Dyson have told us
Let's put the new battery let's get to that as quickly as possible you can edit this down can’t you?

So when you've called the Dyson helpline and they say we can't help you they send you this

I've torn off our address because god forbid someone will come and steal our broken vacuum cleaners and they send you this
This is a this is an unboxing for the brand-new battery that they charge you more money for
And here's the battery that will probably last another year
So what we've got to do is take off this one now.

It comes with some instructions and some screws - it's almost a metaphor for being screwed
so the first thing you need to do is to find a screwdriver that fits these screws

I think I can do that quite easily
And I hate doing these hands-only videos because I'm shaking I'm shaking with rage at-- particular a particular company -- “Ask Dyson”

Answer is “it's your fault”

So you unscrew this one
I’ll put that to one side - don't want to lose it
They’re quite particular size so it just to make it easier I’ll probably take off the dirt collector and what you do that is you push this down oh--

And keep it held down and the whole thing comes off
I've taken this screw off - the next screw I believe is this one and off comes the replacement battery that has lasted one year and one month like that

Then we get the new battery, and it slots into the holster there.
A handheld unit And then we'll get the new screws - one here and then one on the back Woah!
It comes with some charge in.

Oh that's nice Dyson have given us some free electricity for our 65 quid

There you go, so as you heard it-- there's no red flashing Dyson red light of doom

Now it doesn't say if we need to charge this up before you use it first so I guess we're going to wing it

Also the Dyson helpline said it was completely our fault that the old battery only lasted one year one month

They said that “Oh you must have put it on the holster”
you know that holster that they give you to put it on the wall
- that they - that you shouldn't put it on the holster when this is feeling warm

So of course it's our fault
I'm sorry I used the holster that I was given
So what they advise is that you DON’T use the holster that they've provided for you on the wall to charge it up
That you let the thing cool down before you put it into the charger because that's really convenient

That is how to fix the red light of Dyson doom the answer is to spend more money and buy another battery.
But in our experience lasts about a year in a month

I hope this has helped and if you have reached this point in the video thanks for thanks for watching and really appreciate it

Maybe you might like to give this video a thumbs up to help others find the information that they're looking for as well

I'm still trying to find the spark of joy in this because we were really happy with the company up until they wanted our credit card details to replace something that lasted a year

If I find any joy or happiness I'll put it in the description and if you have any comments or questions please leave us a comment, it’d be lovely to hear from you
And I'm sorry that you had to watch this

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